The Sound Board

Part 2: Behind the Scenes - Making of LSTN Headphones
Watch as pieces of scrap wood turn into a beautiful accessory.
Here's a behind the scenes video on how LSTN Troubadours & Fillmores are made.
Each ear cup is sanded and buffed three times to perfection!
The cups are cleaned to prepare for assembly
Each cup is engraved with the LSTN logo and set out to be assembled to the inside components
Wiring and parts inside the Troubadours are made with a large hole to expose the speaker to the wood
The speakers inside the Fillmores are attached
After the wood is added on one side, the comfy earpads are added to the other side of the headphone
Voila! Now the cups are ready to be paired up by wood markings and attached to the headband
The wooden L and R indicators are added to our nylon wrapped cords
The headphones are packaged
...and sent out to you!
Other Articles:
Behind the Scenes: Making of LSTN Earbuds // LSTN in Kunming, China