The Sound Board
Brand Spotlight: Soma Water

Soma was born one dark and stormy San Francisco night when I was hosting a dinner party. A friend asked me for a glass of water, so I walked into the kitchen, opened my fridge, and grabbed my "other brand" water filter. As I looked down at the cheap plastic container laden with black flakes I knew I couldn’t place it on me nicely set dinner table. So I decided to pour the filtered water into a glass wine decanter.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) as I did, the lid of the water pitcher fell off, causing water to splash all over my kitchen floor. Just then, one of my other friends came into the kitchen. I asked him, “Why doesn’t someone create a water filter that’s beautifully designed, easy to use, and made of sustainable materials?” My friend replied, “Why don’t we do it?”
The clouds parted. A company was born. The rest is water under the bridge!
What is your favorite memory from a trip with charity water?
What is currently on your playlist?
Anything else you want us to share?
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